About the Edgewalker Café

At MCC, we embrace being Edgewalkers.  Edgewalkers go to the margins of society and live their faith in their actions. Now we want to go a little deeper and begin crafting a faith that works in real life, remains edgy and open, and challenges our assumptions about a wide variety of spiritual things.  All three of your ministers will be facilitating the Edgewalker Cafe so they, too, have made a commitment of time and study.

Join us Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM as we learn and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with some sweets!

LENT: Unsolved Mysteries

In the spirit of Everything In Between, we invite you to join us to embrace mystery in your faith. In these sessions, we will explore some of the mysteries of our faith. It is our human tendency to try and find absolutes and explain everything in logical terms, but the spiritual life asks us to live inside the mystery of God's expansiveness. Join us as we learn to embrace and interpret the things we cannot fully explain.

March 26: Holy SpiritS

April 2: Prayer

April 9: Miracles

April 16: Holy Listening

There is a cost of $10 for the four sessions to cover the cost of food.